Available Originals

(for prints, email me at stoekej@verizon.net)

Meandering Through Hardship, 24 x 12, $1200

The Letting Go, 48 x 30, oil, $2,500

Evidence of Eden, oil on panel, 10 x 8, $600

A Lavish Welcome, oil, 18 x 24, $1,300

In the Presence of Guidance, 24 x 18, $2300

Redbud Descant, 2024, oil, 30 x 48″, $2400

Pillars of the Community, oil, 40 x 30″, oil, $3000

Fallow Vitality, 2024, oil, 24X30″, $1,750

Roadside Attraction, 30×48″, $2,600

A Lavish Welcome, 24 x18″, $1,300

Untroubled Waters, 30 x 40, oil, 2024, $2,400

Before the Plow, 30 x 48″, $2,300

Coming Home, oil, 18 x 24, $1,000

This Is What I Meant, 40 x 40″ $2400

The Remedy, oil, 20 x 30″, $1,500

Stumbling On Solace, 24 x 36, $1900

Dignity, 24 x 18, $1,000

The Entrance, 20 x 16, 2024, $1300

Fireflies and the Sky, 18 x 24″, $1,000

Paying Attention, 24 x 24, Currently for sale at the Strathmore Mansion Gallery. $1800

Moonlit Chestnut, oil, 36 x 24, $1,900

Enduring the Seasons, 28 x 22, $1,300

Blue Ice, 18 x 24, $1,100

A Pretty Rain, 20 x 16″, $1,000

Pathways, 11 x 14, $600, 2021

Avian Highways, 30 x 30, 2021
oil, $1300

Desert Gold, 24 x 30, $900

Operetta, 48 x 60, 2021
oil, $2900